John Brodholt (University College London,英国)
Yingwei Fei/费英伟 (Carnegie Institution for Science,美国)
Rebecca Fischer (Harvard University,美国)
Tomoo Katsura (University of Bayreuth,德国)
Jung-Fu Lin/林俊孚 (University of Texas at Austin,美国)
Yuan Li/李元 (University of Bayreuth,德国)
Artem Oganov (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology,俄罗斯)
Christian Renggli (Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research,德国)
Vincenzo Stagno (Sapienza University of Rome,意大利)
Ishii Takayuki (Okayama University, 日本)
毛河光 (北京高压科学研究中心,中国)
熊小林 (中国科亚星yaxin221广州地球化学研究所,中国)
刘耘 (中国科亚星yaxin221地球化学研究所,中国)
杨晓志 (南京大学,中国)
倪怀玮 (中国科技大学,中国)
… …
主 任: 张宏福
副主任: 费英伟 毛河光 马琰铭 吴 强 张立飞
顾 问: 李和平 潘永信 孙卫东 田永君 王雁宾
徐义刚 于登云 张有学 郑永飞 朱日祥
委 员: 代立东 杜建国 高春晓 龚自正 何昌荣
贺端威 黄海军 姬广富 李 俊 李 元
林杨挺 刘 锦 刘 景 刘 曦 刘 耘
欧光习 宋茂双 魏冬青 巫 翔 吴忠庆
熊小林 张宝华 章军锋 张志刚 邹 勃
主 任: 刘 曦
副主任: 陶仁彪 黄海军
成 员: 暴新建 龚自正 黄东洋 胡清扬 李慧娟
李 营 林彦蒿 刘 琼 刘 勋 孙 樯
王多君 王永刚 吴 也 张 里 张 莉
张志刚 周永胜
标题 (三号,加粗)
*E-mail:( Times New Roman/小四)
1. Allègre, C. J., Poirier, J.P., Humler, E., & Hofmann, A. W. (1995), The chemical composition of the Earth. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 134(3-4), 515–526.
姓名 |
性别 |
单位名称 |
职称/职务 |
电子邮箱 |
移动电话 |
证件种类与号码1 |
是否作口头报告 |
□是 □否 |
是否张贴海报 |
□是 □否 |
报告题目 |
所选专题2 |
随行人员(名字、身份证、移动电话)1 |
备注1 |
进入亚星yaxin221需要这些信息。100%为大家保密。 |
备注2 |
(1)高温高压实验技术及其应用; (2)地球与行星物质的理论模拟; (3)高温高压矿物物理; (4)高温高压实验岩石学; (5)高温高压实验地球化学; (6)高压物理、化学、材料学; (7)地球与行星内部结构与演化 |
The 10th International Symposium on
“From Atom to Earth” High Pressure Science: The First Notice
The 10th International Symposium on “From Atom to Earth” High-Pressure Science (Symposium hereafter) will be held in Beijing from July 25 to 29, 2025. The organizing committee cordially invites experts, colleagues, and students to join the Symposium, sharing scientific findings, exchanging scientific ideas, exploring unknown scientific grounds, etc.
The Symposium is hosted by (a) the Committee on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, CSMPG, (b) the Committee on High Pressure Physics, CPS, (c) the Committee on Fluid Earth Science, CGS, (d) the Committee on Rock Mechanics, CSRME, and (e) Chinese Society for Interdisciplinary Sciences. It is organized by (a) School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, (b) Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research, and (c) School of Physics and Mechanics, Wuhan University of Technology.
The specifics of the Symposium are:
1 Programs by theme
(1) High P-high T experimental technology and its application
(2) Theoretical simulation of Earth and planetary mass
(3) Mineral physics under high P-high T
(4) Experimental petrology under high P-high T
(5) Experimental geochemistry under high P-high T
(6) High P physics, chemistry, and material sciences
(7) Internal structures of Earth and planets and their evolutions
2 Time schedule
Arrival on July 25, meeting on July 26-28, and departure on July 29, 2025
3 Symposium Venue
Zhongguanyuan Global Village, Peking University
4 Registration and its deadline
Staffs and PDFs: 2000 CNY or 300 US$/head
Students: 1000 CNY or 150 US$/head
Families and friends: 800 CNY or 120 US$/head
Registration method and deadline: TBA
5 Abstract and its submission deadline
Please prepare the abstract according to the Abstract Template (Attachment 1) and send it to the email address: atomtoearth2025@163.com.
Submission deadline: 5 July, 2025
6 Experts confirmed to attend (to be updated in Ap. 2024)
John Brodholt (University College London, UK)
Yingwei Fei (Carnegie Institution for Science, USA)
Rebecca Fischer (Harvard University, USA)
Tomoo Katsura (University of Bayreuth, Germany)
Jung-Fu Lin (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
Yuan Li (University of Bayreuth, Germany)
Artem Oganov (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia)
Christian Renggli (Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Germany)
Vincenzo Stagno (Sapienza University of Rome, Italia)
Ishii Takayuki (Okayama University, Japan)
Ho-Kwang Mao (Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research, China)
I-Ming Chou (Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, China)
Xiaolin Xiong (Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, CAS, China)
Yun Liu (Institute of Geochemistry, CAS, China)
Xiaozhi Yang (Nanjing University, China)
Huaiwei Ni (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
7 Transportation and Accommodation
There is no shuttle service for the conference. Participants will have to go to the Symposium venue on their own. If you have special needs, however, please feel free to contact us. Due to university entry permit issue, please carefully fill the form Information of Participant (Attachment 2) and send it to the email address: atomtoearth2025@163.com.
The Organizing Committee will negotiate with nearby hotels and announce the hotel list in advance. Participants will have to make your own hotel reservations and obtain invoices.
8 WeChat Group
Participants are invited to scan the WeChat QR code (Attachment 3) and join the Symposium WeChat group. The relevant information of the Symposium will be released via WeChat and by other means.
9 Academic Committee
Chair Zhang Hongfu
Vice chair Fei Yingwei Ma Yanming Mao Ho-Kwang Wu Qiang Zhang Lifei
Advisor Li Heping Pan Yongxin Sun Weidong Tian Yongjun Wang Yanbin
Xu Yigang Yu Dengyun Zhang Youxue Zheng Yongfei Zhu Rixiang
Member Dai Lidong Du Jianguo Gao Chunxiao Gong Zizheng He Changrong
He Duanwei Huang Haijun Ji Guangfu Li Jun Li Yuan
Lin Yangting Liu Jin Liu Jing Liu Xi Liu Yun
Ou Guangxi Song Maoshuang Wei Dongqing Wu Xiang Wu Zhongqing
Xiong Xiaolin Zhang Baohua Zhang Junfeng Zhang Zhigang Zou Bo
10 Organizing Committee
Chair Liu Xi
Vice chair Tao Renbiao Huang Haijun
Member: Bao Xinjian Gong Zizheng Huang Dongyang Hu Qingyang Li Huijuan
Li Ying Lin Yanhao Liu Qiong Liu Xun Sun Qiang
Wang Duojun Wang Yonggang Wu Ye Zhang Li Zhang Li
Zhang Zhigang Zhou Yongsheng
Secretary: Bao Xinjian (xinjian.bao@pku.edu.cn)
Member: Pu Zhide (zhide.pu@stu.pku.edu.cn; abstract collection)
Zhao Jiaqi (zjq@stu.pku.edu.cn; registration and entry permit)
Li Haoqiang (haoqiang.li@stu.pku.edu.cn; venue management)
Sui Xinhao (xinhao_sui@stu.pku.edu.cn; conference sponsor)
Event company (provisional): Yun Shang You Yun (Beijing) Technology Culture Co., Ltd
Attachment 1: Abstract Template
Theme: (Times New Roman, 14, bold)
Title (Times New Roman, 16, bold)
Auther1,* (Times New Roman, 12, bold)
Organization (Times New Roman, 12, bold)
*E-mail: (Times New Roman, 12)
Abstract: Times New Roman, 12……
Reference (Times New Roman, 12, bold):
2. Allègre, C. J., Poirier, J.P., Humler, E., & Hofmann, A. W. (1995), The chemical composition of the Earth. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 134(3-4), 515–526.
For easier tracking and processing, please name the abstract as fellows:
“Family Name of Author_Affiliation_Theme Number”, like “Trupm_Peking University_3”
Attachment 2: Information of Participant
The 10th International Symposium on “From Atom to Earth” High-Pressure Science
Information of Participant
Name |
Gender |
Organization |
Title |
E-mail address |
Mobile phone |
ID Number 1 |
Oral Report |
□Yes □No |
Poster |
□Yes □No |
Report Title |
Theme 2 |
Entourage Information (Name, ID Number, Mobile Phone) 1 |
Note 1 |
For Peking University entry permit, we will keep it confidential. |
Note 2 |
1) High pressure and high temperature experimental technology and its applications 2) Theoretical simulation of earth and planetary matter 3) Mineral physics and chemistry under high pressure and high temperature conditions 4) Experimental petrology under high pressure and high temperature conditions 5) Experimental geochemistry under high pressure and high temperature conditions 6) High pressure physics, chemistry, and material science 7) Internal structure and evolution of earth and planets |
Attachment 3: WeChat Group QR code